Photo credit: David Rodriguez

About Me

Welcome! A Short Introduction

The short introduction to myself:  I’m a Puerto Rican who loves to write!

I was born in Ponce, Puerto Rico and started to write when I was in fifth grade.  While fine practice for my overactive imagination, I am thankful self-publishing was not available back then! I am so thankful that my writing was able to improve through constant practice and revision.  

While my first “novel” was competed in fifth grade, I did not start consistently writing until I was in tenth grade.  I attempted to write teleplays for a sequel to the series Charmed, my first attempt at writing about magic! After that, I tried my hand at writing Harry Potter fan fiction.  It was then, the first time I shared my writing outside my intimate circle of friends and family, and receiving feedback from readers every so often, that I began to feel like an author.

In 2009, I said to myself: “I am going to create my own characters to go with these plots!” And so, the first draft of Life Force was born.  The most difficult, but most rewarding writing project to date, Life Force, was in its third draft before it was discovered. 

Fast forward what felt like endless revisions and consultations (thanks to my editors and publisher!), and this beloved writing project was picked up for publication by Green Writers Press. My first novel was published in February 2019.  But this is not the end of the journey my friends! I hope that this is the first of many.  In fact Life Force’s sequel, Immortality’s Peril, is already on the works. Thank you to the wonderful Dede Cummings for taking a chance on me, my family and friends for the encouragement, and to all the visitors of this page for following me on my journey.

 My writing is accompanied by my day job.  I was on my final examinations for my Master’s in Public Health Degree when I was offered a publishing contract by Green Writer’s Press.  That goal was followed by a successful admission to law school.  Lifeforce was published during my first year of law school! While I do not recommend the kind of multitasking I did, the opportunity was one I could not pass up.  I do not know many people who have gone to school straight out of high school to be a writer. If you have, more power to you!   I did not.  I did not think the major was practical job-wise.  I do not regret it as my passion for writing does keep me sane in the sometimes harsh reality of training to practice law.

 I hope you continue to accompany in this journey!