Annie Rodriguez


Stay True to Your Ideas

Writing and publishing is hard work-that is the hard truth.  Many of us will not be the next J.K. Rowling and that’s okay.  If you still have a story to tell, by all means get to it! There are many ways to organize and write-you have to do you.  My story took 10 years to […]

Writing as an Art

When I was little, I was lucky to have parents that let me try what I wanted when it came to extracurricular activities.  I quickly learned that my body was not at all coordinated when it came to sports or dance.  I also knew from summer camps that I did not have the patience for arts or crafts.  I was not a big videogame player […]

Representation versus Impressions

 I’m dating myself but I grew up when the actresses on TV were all blonde, or that’s what was mostly seen on TV.  I remember the first time I saw a brown-haired actress was on the original Power Rangers with Amy Jo Johnson. (I was told when I was little that my hair was dark brown-it grew to be black and very dark black).  I […]